Following is a summary listing of the wedding guidelines for each state in the USA, as they were believed to exist at the time of this publication. Laws are subject to change, and it is the legal responsibility of the individual minister to know and comply with the laws of the state in which the marriage is to be officiated. A very few states require the minister to register his or her credentials or file for permission from the state prior to officiating a marriage. This is not considered to be an infringement on religious liberty, because marriage is a civil contract as well as a spiritual rite, and to the extent that the couple wishes their marriage to be recognized as a legal marriage by the government, you must adhere carefully to such laws. In some states, it is a public offense to unlawfully solemnize a marriage, which means you should be certain that you are ordained and are complying with the requirements of the state in which the marriage occurs.
If you are officiating a "Renewal of Vow" or an "Affirmation of Love" ceremony, you do not need to be concerned with this. Renewal of Vows is a ceremony to commemorate existing an existing marriage. An Affirmation of Love is a ceremony to commemorate a pledge of love that a couple has for one another that they choose not to make legally recognized by the state for their own reasons, or are prevented from doing so by state laws. Neither ceremony has any legal standing, although the Affirmation of Love might be used as one form of evidence to help establish the existence of a domestic partnership for employers or for other reasons. You should make certain that the couple involved is aware of this and does not believe that they are being legally married.
If the marriage is to be performed in a state which requires documentation from the church of the minister's authority to officiate marriage, this documentation will be provided by the church, free of charge. Please understand however, that this does require a significant effort from the church staff. If the letter will be for a marriage in New York, Virginia, or Washington DC, the letter must be notarized, which will require a $10 payment for the notary fee. If you wish to help support the work of the church with a free-will donation when making your request for such documentation, it will be sincerely appreciated. Send your request, along with your complete name, address, and the date of your ordination (if known) to: ULC Headquarters, 601 Third St., Modesto, CA 95351. Please allow ample time for them to respond to your request. Also, if you have moved or changed your name since your original ordination, you will need to make note of this information in your request as well. Please do not request such documentation if it is not required by your state. Headquarters has limited resources for providing these free services and cannot respond to those who do not legally require them.
Because laws are subject to change, it is wise to check with the government agency having jurisdiction in the state where the wedding is to be performed prior to solemnizing the marriage. A Universal Life Church minister is a minister, just like any other, and the same requirements must apply equally to ministers of all churches. Government agencies are expressly prohibited from preferring one religion over another, or one church over another. This fundamental principle of the U.S. Constitution is lost on some government bureaucrats however, and they develop a mindset that everything must be "approved" or sanctioned by the government.
In most places, employees of the government agencies are well aware of the First Amendment, and do not cause any problems for ULC ministers. In some smaller locations, however, ULC ministers have run into opposition when they ask a bureaucrat a specific question such as "Are ULC ministers permitted to officiate marriage?" The church which has ordained you has no bearing on the question, and such questions can confuse someone who is not well-trained. They may not know the answer, but be unwilling to acknowledge their ignorance, in which case, you can face hostility.
If you wish to confirm that you can perform a wedding in a certain jurisdiction, it is suggested that you ask simply what is required for a minister to officiate marriage. If they ask you what church you belong to, you can simply reply, "Is that important?" It is a gentle way to remind them that it is not important, and does not bring you into conflict with a stubborn government flunky trying to assert authority. You can also ask them if the requirements are different for "non-resident ministers" (ministers who do not live in the state where the marriage is to be performed), than they are for resident ministers. Some states specifically state that the minister must be at least 18 years old. It is likely that the minister must be of the age of majority in all states, because this is a legal contract. If this is an issue for you, you can check with the local authority to determine the rules there. In most places, you will encounter no difficulties. In those places where you do, patience and reliance on calm, professional demeanor will often prevail. If not, a polite request to speak to a supervisor or manager may be useful.
Outside of the USA, marriage laws vary widely. You may check with the local government regarding the laws pertaining to marriage in the country where the marriage will be solemnized, however keep in mind that the US Constitution does not apply, and although many civilized nations do embrace religious freedom, it is not always as complete as we have thus far come to enjoy in the USA. As of this writing, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia do NOT permit ULC ministers to officiate legal marriage ceremonies.
Details of the ceremony are not governed by state law. You and the couple are free to write whatever vows are desired. The elements involved must include some sort of acknowledgement by the couple of their desire to be wed to one another, which is witnessed, and a form of pronouncement by the minister that they have been married. It can be simple or elaborate, heavily spiritual and religious or only tangentially so, it does not matter. There are many excellent ceremonies, non-denominational and otherwise, from which you may choose. We offer several books which include such ceremonies, and you will also find many resources on the Internet, your local public library, or local bookstores. You or the couple can use these resources as a starting point to create your own ceremonies that are completely personalized.
One of the most important parts of the responsibility of solemnizing a marriage is to make sure that the completed marriage license is returned to the state or other government agency that issued it, so that it can be recorded. The marriage will not be recognized if this requirement is overlooked, which could cause serious problems for the couple, and liability to the minister. Prior to the wedding, you should obtain the marriage license from the couple and review it carefully. Make sure that it is valid for the date and location where the wedding will be performed. You should also request to see government issued identification from both parties, even if you know them. They won't be offended, and will appreciate the fact that you are taking your duties seriously. Write down the ID numbers, and later record this information on your photocopy of the completed marriage license.
After the wedding ceremony, you must complete the marriage license, filling in the blanks for your name, the date, etc. Be sure your writing is legible. If the license asks for the ministers denomination, you should specify "Universal Life." If asked for the number of the minister's license or registration number issued by the church for the minister, you may enter "n/a", because such numbers are not issued by the church. Sign the license, along with the witnesses, and make a photocopy of the completed license to retain in your permanent records. Some states require you to keep a record of the marriage, and in all states it is a very good idea to do so.
Some states require you to provide a marriage certificate to the bride and groom. If so, this will most likely refer to a certificate form that is provided by the state with the license. You may also wish to provide them with an official ULC church certificate, but a church certificate is entirely optional. It is a nice touch however, the church certificate is an attractive document they will want to hang on the wall in their new home. You can obtain a church certificate from the web store.
It is your responsibility to make sure the completed marriage certificate is returned to the state for recording within the specified time period, which is different in each state. Do not neglect or postpone this important aspect of your duties, or the marriage will not be legal. The license should come with instructions on where to return it for recording, which will be the same government office which issued it. If you don't take the license to the office in person, you should send it by certified mail, return receipt requested, and keep a copy of both the receipt of mailing and the return receipt with your photocopy of the license. This may sound like a lot of effort, but remember, you are fulfilling an important role in the lives of this couple, and your duties should be taken seriously, even if this will be the only act as a minister you ever expect to perform.
Following is an alphabetical listing of the guidelines believed to be current for each state at the time of this publication. Laws are subject to change, and it is the legal responsibility of the individual minister to know and comply with the laws of the state in which the marriage is to be officiated. This information was accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication, however it is not intended to be legal advice, nor do we guarantee that the information is accurate or up to date. Sometimes you will find that bureaucrats in the government offices will impose additional restrictions or apply their own interpretations of the law. Be sure to comply with any reasonable and lawful requirements, and allow for time to respond to any additional requirements they might impose.
Following is an alphabetical listing of the guidelines believed to be current for each state at the time of this publication. Laws are subject to change, and it is the legal responsibility of the individual minister to know and comply with the laws of the state in which the marriage is to be officiated.
Any licensed minister of the gospel in regular communion with the Christian church or society of which he is a member may perform marriages. Also, marriages may be performed by the pastor of any religious society according to the rules of the religious society. --- Ministers must provide a certificate of the marriage to the judge of probate within one month after the marriage. --- For questions see the clerk for the judge of probate.
Section 30-1-7
Persons authorized to solemnize marriages.
(a) Generally. -Marriages may be solemnized by any licensed minister of the gospel in regular communion with the Christian church or society of which he is a member, by a judge of the Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals, Court of Civil Appeals, any circuit court or any district court within this state or by a judge of probate within his county or any retired judge of the Supreme Court, retired judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals, retired judge of the Court of Civil Appeals, retired judge of the circuit court, retired judge of the district court within this state or a retired judge of probate within his county.
(b) Pastor of religious society; clerk of society to maintain register of marriages; register, etc., deemed presumptive evidence of fact. -Marriage may also be solemnized by the pastor of any religious society according to the rules ordained or custom established by such society. The clerk or keeper of the minutes of each society must keep a register and enter therein a particular account of all marriages solemnized by the society, which register, or a sworn copy thereof, is presumptive evidence of the fact.
(c) Quakers, Mennonites or other religious societies. -The people called Mennonites, Quakers, or any other Christian society having similar rules or regulations, may solemnize marriage according to their forms by consent of the parties, published and declared before the congregation assembled for public worship.
(Code 1852, §1946-1948; Code 1867, §2335-2337; Code 1876, §2674-2676; Code 1886, §2311-2313; Code 1896, §2841-2843; Code 1907, §4881-4883; Code 1923, §8995-8997; Code 1940, T. 34, §6-8; Acts 1988, No. 88-551, p. 867.)
This information can be found by following this link:
The minister, priest or rabbi of any church or congregation in the state may perform marriages. --- Ministers must provide marriage certificates to the couple married and report the marriage to the Marriage Commissioner.
Any licensed or ordained clergyman may perform marriages. --- Ministers must record the marriage on the marriage license and return it to the clerk of the Superior Court within 20 days after the marriage. - -- For questions see the clerk of the Superior Court.
Any regularly ordained minister or priest of any religious sect or denomination may perform marriages. --- Ministers must have their ordination credentials filed by the county clerk who will then issue a certificate to the minister. --- The marriage license must be completed by the minister and returned to the county clerk within 60 days from the date the license was issued. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Any priest, minister, or rabbi of any religious denomination, of the age of 18 years or over may perform marriages. Ministers must complete the marriage license and return it to the county clerk within 10 days after the marriage. Minister must review the license before the marriage to make sure it is valid for the date of the marriage and for the two persons being married. Same-sex couples are permitted to marry if they hold a valid marriage license. For questions, contact the county clerk or visit the California web site.
Marriages may be performed by any minister. --- Ministers must send a marriage certificate to the county clerk. --- For questions see the county clerk.
All ordained or licensed clergymen belonging to this state or any other state may perform marriages as long as they continue in the work of the ministry. -- -Marriage license must be completed by the minister and returned to the city or town clerk. --- For questions see the city or town clerk.
Any ordained minister of the gospel and every minister in charge of a recognized church may perform marriages. --- Ministers do not need to be licensed to perform marriages but they must report their name and address to the local registrar in the district in which they live. --- Ministers must keep the marriage license or a copy for at least one year. Also, the minister must, within 4 days, complete and return forms required by the State Board of Health to the clerk of the peace. --- For questions see the clerk of the peace.
All regularly ordained ministers of the gospel in communion with some church may perform marriages. --- Ministers must complete a certificate of marriage on the marriage license and return it to the office from which it was issued. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Any minister who is authorized by his or her church may perform marriages. ---Ministers must complete a certificate of marriage and return it to the ordinary within 30 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the ordinary's clerk at the county courthouse.
Any minister may perform marriages if they are authorized by their church to do so. Ministers must obtain a license from the department of health before performing marriages. -Ministers must keep a record of all marriages they perform. Ministers must report all marriages they perform to the department of health. ---For questions see the department of health.
Marriages may be performed by priests or ministers of the gospel of any denomination. Ministers must give a marriage certificate to the bride and to the groom. Also, the minister must complete the license and marriage certificate and return it to the recorder who issued it within 30 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county recorder.
Marriages may be performed by ministers of the gospel in regular standing in the church or society to which they belong. --- The marriage license and certificate must be completed by the minister and returned to the county clerk within 30 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Ministers of the gospel and priests of every church throughout the state may perform marriages. ---Ministers must return the marriage license and a certificate of marriage to the clerk of the circuit court within 3 months after the marriage. ---For questions see the clerk of the circuit court.
Ministers of the gospel who are ordained by their church may perform marriages. --- Minister must give a certificate of marriage to the bride and to the groom. Also, the minister must report the marriage to the clerk of the district court within 15 days after the marriage. -For questions see the clerk of the district court.
Any ordained clergyman of any religious denomination or society may perform marriages. --Ministers are required to file credentials or ordination with the judge of a probate court before performing marriages. --- Minister must return the marriage license and a certificate of marriage to the probate judge who issued the marriage license within 10 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the clerk of the probate court.
Marriages may be performed by any minister of the gospel or priests of any denomination with any religious society. Ministers must return the marriage license and marriage certificate to the county clerk within 3 months after the marriage. --- It is illegal to solicit marriages. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Ministers of the gospel or priests of any denomination in regular communion with any religious society may perform marriages. --- Ministers must register with the clerk of the district court of the parish or with the health department if in New Orleans. --- After performing a marriage, the minister must complete a marriage certificate and return it to the clerk of the district court. --- For questions see the clerk of the district court.
Ordained ministers of the gospel may perform marriages. Ministers may obtain an application for registration from the county or town clerk.
Any minister of the gospel authorized by the rules and customs of their church may perform marriages. --- Minister must complete the marriage license and marriage certificate and give one certificate to the couple. Another certificate and the license must be returned to the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within five days after the marriage. --- For questions see the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas.
Ordained ministers of the gospel may perform marriages. --- Before performing marriages, ministers are required to apply for a certificate from the state. For applications write to The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Office of the Secretary, Supervisor, Commissions Division, State House, Boston, Massachusetts 02133. You must file a copy of your ordination certificate and a statement from the church saying that you are in good standing. Please let us know well in advance if you need a statement from us. --- Ministers must keep records of all marriages they perform. Also, ministers must return a certificate of the marriage to the town clerk or registrar who issued the marriage license and to the town clerk of the town where the marriage was performed. --- For questions see the town clerk or registrar or write to the Secretary of State.
A minister of the gospel who is ordained or authorized by his or her church to perform marriages and who is a pastor of a church in this state, or continues to preach the gospel in this state may perform marriages. --- Ministers must complete a marriage certificate and give one to the couple. Another marriage certificate must be returned to the county clerk who issued the license within 10 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Any licensed or ordained minister of the gospel in regular communion with a religious society may perform marriages. --- Ministers must file a copy of a letter of good standing with the clerk of the district court of any county. --- Ministers must give a marriage certificate to the bride and groom and also file a certificate with the clerk of the district court in the county, which issued the marriage license. --- For questions see the clerk of the district court.
Any ordained minister of the gospel who is in good standing with his or her church may perform marriages. --- Ministers must send a certificate of marriage to the clerk who issued the marriage license within three months after the marriage. --- For questions see the clerk of the circuit court.
Marriages may be performed by any clergyman who is a citizen of the United States and who is in good standing with any church or synagogue in this state. ---Ministers must keep a record of all marriages they perform. They must give the couple a marriage certificate and must complete the marriage license and return it to the recorder of deeds within 90 days after the marriage license was issued. --- For questions see the recorder of deeds.
Ministers of the gospel of any denomination may perform marriages. --- Ministers must complete and return a marriage certificate to the clerk of the district court within 30 days after the marriage. Also the minister must provide marriage certificates to the bride and groom upon request. ---For questions see the clerk of the district court.
Any ordained clergyman whatsoever, without regard to the sect to which they belong may perform marriages. --- Ministers must report marriages they perform to the county judge who issued the marriage license within 15 days after the marriage. Also the minister must provide marriage certificates to the bride and groom upon request. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Any ordained minister in good standing with his denomination, whose denomination is incorporated or organized or established in the State of Nevada may perform marriages. Ministers must apply to the County Clerk in Washoe or Clark Counties, providing a letter of good standing and possibly other documentation. In other Nevada counties, contact the county clerk for current requirements.
Marriages may be performed by any ordained minister of the gospel who resides in the state and is in good standing with his church. Ministers not residing in the state may obtain permission to perform a marriage upon application to the Secretary of State. --- Ministers must send a copy of the marriage certificate to the town clerk. ---For questions see the town clerk.
Every minister of every religion may perform marriages. --- Ministers must complete a certificate of marriage and return it to the county clerk. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Any ordained clergyman whatsoever, without regard to the sect to which he or she may belong may perform marriages. --- Ministers must provide the county clerk with a marriage certificate within 90 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Marriages may be performed by a clergyman or minister of any religion. Ministers do not have to be licensed except that before performing marriages in New York City, the minister must register his or her name and address in the office of the city clerk of the city of New York. Documentation, to be obtained from ULC Headquarters must be provided with the application for registration in New York City. Ministers must complete a marriage certificate and return it to the town or city clerk who issued the marriage license within 5 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the town or city clerk.
Any ordained minister of any faith who is authorized to perform marriages by his church may do so. --- ministers must complete the marriage license and return it to the register of deeds who issued it. --- For questions see the register of deeds.
Ordained ministers of the gospel and priests of every church may perform marriages. --- Ministers must file a certificate of marriage with the county judge who issued the license within 5 days after the marriage. Certificates must also be given to the persons married. --- For questions see the county clerk.
You must request a license to perform a marriage in Ohio and can receive one from the Office of the Secretary of State. Ministers in Ohio have reported that they have been required to produce an ordination credential with an "original signature" on it. For all orders for credential certificates placed through the web site, the appropriate credential with an original or "live" signature on it will be supplied.
Ordained ministers of the gospel of any denomination who are at least 18 years of age may perform marriages. --- Ministers must file a copy of their credentials with the county clerk before performing marriages. ---Ministers must complete a certificate of marriage and return it to the clerk or judge who issued the marriage license. --- For questions see the clerk of the county court.
Ministers of any church organized, carrying on its work, and having congregations in this state may perform marriages in this state if authorized by their church to do so. Ministers must give the bride and groom a marriage certificate upon request. Also, the minister must send a marriage certificate to the county clerk who issued the marriage license within one month after the marriage. When asked for the address of the church, use 601 Third St., Modesto CA 95351; phone (209) 527-8111. For questions, contact the county clerk.
Ministers of any regularly established church or congregation may perform marriages. Also, persons may marry themselves if they obtain a certificate from the clerk of the orphans' court. --- Ministers must provide a certificate of marriage to the bride and groom. Also, they must send a marriage certificate to the clerk of the orphans' court who issued the marriage license within 10 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the clerk of the orphans' court.
Everyone who has been, or is, the minister of any society professing to meet for religious purposes, or incorporated for the promotion of such purposes, and holding stated and regular services, and who has been ordained according to the customs and usage's of such society may perform marriages. --- Ministers must obtain a license from the city or town clerk before performing marriages. ---Ministers must endorse and return the marriage license to the town or city clerk in which the marriage was performed. --- For questions see the town or city clerk.
Ministers of the gospel who are authorized to administer oaths in this state may perform marriages. --- Ministers must complete the marriage license and give one copy to the parties and the other two must be returned to the county judge of probate who issued it within 15 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county judge of probate or his clerk.
Marriages may be performed by a minister of the gospel or priest of any denomination. Ministers must provide the bride and groom with marriage certificates upon request. Ministers must also keep a record book of all marriages they perform. Finally, the minister must send a marriage certificate to the clerk who issued the marriage license within 30 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the clerk of courts.
All regular ministers of the gospel of every denomination, and Jewish rabbis, more than 18 years of age, having the care of souls may perform marriages. ---Ministers must endorse the marriage license and return it to the clerk of the county court within three days after the marriage. ---For questions see the county clerk.
Ordained Christian ministers and priests; Jewish rabbis and persons who are officers of religious organizations and who are duly authorized by the organization to conduct marriage ceremonies may perform marriages. --- Ministers must complete the marriage license and return it to the county clerk who issued it within 30 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Ministers of the gospel or priests of any denomination who are in regular communion with any religious society may perform marriages. ---Ministers must provide a certificate of marriage to the county clerk who issued the marriage license within 30 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county clerk.
Ordained ministers residing in this state may perform marriages. Non-resident ordained ministers may perform marriages with the permission of the probate court of the district within which the marriage is to take place. --- Ministers must complete the marriage license and certificate of marriage and return it to the clerk's office from which it was issued within ten days from the date of the marriage. --- For questions see the town clerk.
Ministers of any religious denomination may perform marriages. --- Before performing marriages, ministers must provide proof of their ordination and proof that they are in regular communion with their church to the circuit court of any unity or city or to the corporation court of any city in this state. The judge will then authorize the minister to perform marriages provided the minister obtains a bond in he amount of 500 dollars. --- Ministers may receive a fee of no more than 10 dollars for performing a marriage. ---Ministers must complete the marriage certificate and return it to the clerk who issued the marriage license within 5 days after the marriages certificate and return it to the clerk who issued the marriage license within five days after the marriage. --- For questions see the clerk of the county circuit court or the clerk of the corporation court.
Clergymen or ministers of any religion, whether they reside in the Virgin Islands or elsewhere in the United States may perform marriages. ---Ministers must complete the marriage license and return it to the clerk of the municipal court, which issued the license within 10 days after the marriage is performed. --- For questions see the clerk of the municipal court.
Regularly licensed or ordained ministers or any priest of any church or religious denomination anywhere within the state may perform marriages.--- Ministers must send two certificates of marriage to the county auditor within 30 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the county auditor.
Ordained ministers of the gospel may perform marriages. --- Marriage licenses are addressed to the minister who will perform the ceremony. Ministers must file a letter of good standing, articles of incorporation and bylaws, which may be obtained from ULC Headquarters. The minister must complete a marriage certificate for the bride and for the groom and return another certificate to the clerk of the District of Columbia Court of General Sessions within 10 days after the marriage. --- For questions see the clerk of the Court of General Sessions court.
Any minister, priest or rabbi, over the age of 18 years, may perform marriages. Before performing marriages, ministers must file a form with the Secretary of State, pay a registration fee (approx. $25) and provide a photocopy of their ordination certificate credential, a copy of the minister's drivers license or birth certificate, and a letter of authorization to be obtained from ULC Headquarters. The minister will then be placed in the statewide registry and authorized to officiate marriage throughout the state of West Virginia. Ministers must return the completed marriage license to the county clerk who issued it on or before the 5th day of the month following the marriage. For questions see the clerk of the county court or the office of the Secretary of State. The required form can be found on the Secretary of State website.
Any ordained clergyman of any religious denomination or society may perform marriages. Before performing marriages, ministers must file their credentials of ordination with the clerk of the circuit court in the county in which their church is located. The clerk will give the minister a certificate. Ministers must complete the marriage certificates and give on to the bride and one to the groom. The original must be returned to the register of deeds of the county in which the marriage was performed or if performed in a city, to the city health officer. This must be done within 3 days after the marriage. Non-resident ministers need a letter of sponsorship from a Wisconsin minister, which can be arranged through ULC Headquarters. For questions see the clerk of the circuit court.
Every licensed or ordained minister of the gospel may perform marriages. Ministers must give a marriage certificate to the bride and to the groom upon request and must return a certificate to the county clerk. For questions see the county clerk.
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