Silly Question: Are there really people out there who want to give up "everything", even 'basic' human rights?
Serious Answer: Yes; there are.
"But doesn't a slave at least deserve respect, deserve honesty, deserve love, deserve "humanity"?
Slavery has nothing to do with what a person may or may not deserve. Slavery has to do with Ownership. Will an Owner respect their slave? I, personally, have never met one who did not. However, most Owners usually do not show this "feeling" of "respect" for their 'property' in any way that would resemble Emily Post. As an aside: I, personally, would never "respect" an Owner who did not (at least in their own way) respect and care for/about their slave.
Fear and (more to the point) denial are HUGE elements of Real Consensual Slavery. Will an Owner ever deny their slave so-called 'basic human rights'? Maybe; it depends. An Owner must have much more than just a basic understanding of psychology. Also, we don't think of it so much as a "denial" of what others would consider 'basic human rights', it is more along the lines of the premise that a slave simply has no rights - period. Everything a slave experiences, everything a slave enjoys or suffers, is directly controlled by their Owner - including those philosophical, intangible abstracts commonly known as 'rights'.
There is this 'thing' in D/s that they sometimes call "training"; well, that 'thing' they call 'training' in D/s is an everyday aspect of Real Slavery.
A slave not only accepts that they are not guaranteed 'basic human rights', but they, in fact, actually want to know that any kindness, any compassion, any 'humanity' they are lucky enough to be shown is truly a 'gift' from their Owner.
D/s is about a submissive 'giving their gift' to a Dom/Domme; whereas Real Slavery is about Ownership and Total Control and Total Domination. If you analyze D/s closely enough you will begin to understand that the submissive really does have all the power in the relationship. You can analyze Real Slavery all day and all night the rest of your life and it will still boil down to this: An Owner wields complete and total control and domination over their slave(s) and a slave has completely and totally released all power and control of their person to their Owner.
The vanilla:
Vanilla: people/person who are/is 'mainstream'; people/person who are/is either ignorant of D/s and or Owner/slave relationships, and who would, or who has, little or no personal interest in either culture; someone who does not, and would not, choose to enter any 'alternate lifestyle'. Those who know, at least peripherally, about S&M and D/s practices and finds them 'wrong' or 'unhealthy'.
A vanilla cannot comprehend why a submissive would choose to be restricted, to be controlled, to be restrained; allowing themselves to be inferior. "Why would anyone willingly allow themselves to be robbed of power?" they would ask. A vanilla cannot comprehend why a Dominant enjoys oppressing, enjoys inflicting pain and humiliation, enjoys acting superior. "How sick and twisted do you have to be before you relish control over another person?" And the vanilla do not get sadism and masochism: "Kinky is one thing, but real whips? Real chains? That’s just sick!" And the vanilla don't care where you place the word "consensual", they will always consider slavery as "evil in its most terrible form".
To the vanilla, slavery is a form of extreme self-destructive behavior for the slave, probably arising from self-loathing and severe mental health problems. The vanilla immediately assumes that a slave more than lacks self esteem or has low self esteem but rather has no self esteem. With proper counseling, the vanilla assumes that a slave can be cured of their self destructive tendencies. Most vanilla types would view a slave as nothing less than a victim; one who needs help, needs professional care. If asked, they would probably recommend institutionalization at a mental health facility to anyone even contemplating voluntarily being a slave.
To the vanilla, a slave Owner is just a bully. The vanilla will see an Owner as severely 'overcompensating' for low self esteem (yes, they really do think D/s and O/s is really all about low, or no, 'self-esteem'). A vanilla type would find an Owner to be 'dangerous'; a 'criminal' who preys on the 'weak minded'. A vanilla person would feel that an Owner needs psychiatric help as well, only they would feel that an Owner should be remanded to a facility for the criminally insane.
The D/s Community:
You would think that the ‘D/s types’ would have some understanding, or at least some tolerance, of those into slavery. But this, typically, is not the case. No, more commonly the ‘D/s types’ are just as intolerant of those into ‘real slavery’ as the vanilla are. Perhaps it’s because real slavery is not just ‘kink’, where most that practice D/s are only in it for the kink. Perhaps it is because they are just elitists, thinking that their variety or flavor of D/s is the only proper one, which would mean they are more narrow-minded than they think.
How could these people, people who practice D/s, some even in public - living a "lifestyle" - how could "they" be narrow-minded? Just because you are tolerant of a persons skin color, a persons sexual preferences, a persons financial position, does not mean you cannot be bigoted. Just as a "vanilla" person assumes no one would ever really, willingly want to be tied up hanging from the ceiling and caned until welts raised, all too many ‘D/s type’ people assume no one would really, willingly want to give up every last right and live a reality of total servitude. It’s just a different facet of the same narrow-minded bigotry.
D/s itself has spun off in many different directions over the years; it has become most diverse in recent years. Books have been written, secret (and some not-so-secret) societies have been formed, and sometimes very close knit groups (sometimes composed of complete strangers) and bands of people involved in the ‘lifestyle’ hold regular private (and sometimes very public) ‘meetings’ around the world. Leaders have risen in these ‘groups’ and they have formed social order within their ‘community’. They have come up with phrases like "Safe, Sane and Consensual", meant to ‘protect’ the poor, wretched unwashed masses (ie: you) from getting into something they might later regret. They've come up with lots of secret code words and phrases like: "Limits", and "Scene", and "Topping from the Bottom", and "TPE", and "Sub Space", and "Poly", and "Edgeplay", and "Safeword", and "Switch", and "Munch", and "SAM" (or SAMmy), and "True Master", and "Natural Dominant" and "Collaring" (which sometimes occurs during something called a "Collaring Ceremony"), along with: "Knife-Play", "Wax-Play", "Breath-Play" and "Age-Play".
So, you read a few books, wriggle your way into a group, learn to speak the jargon, and become a sub, a Dom or a switch; choose a couple of favorite ‘kinks’ and, just like that, you are ‘in’. In what? Why, the D/s community – that’s what. Get yourself involved in a ‘public demo’ or two, meet the right person a few times, and now you have 'elite clout' in the 'community'. However, piss off the wrong person, and you’ll quickly find yourself ostracized; suddenly having to go far outside the community to find ‘play partners’. (No; before you think it, this did not happen to me. But I have witnessed it.)
Do a search on google for D/s and look at how many pages come up; there are whole sections of search engines dedicated to just "personal pages" of submissives!
The philosophies of much of the "new" D/s community do not allow for the practice of true Consensual slavery. The biggest problem is they see the word "consensual" in the phrase "Consensual slavery" but, somehow, it just will not register in their minds. In their elite narrow-mindedness they insist that: no one would willingly choose real, true slavery; so they either reject the practice entirely and consider it "fictional" or they imagine it is simply an "extreme" version of Role Playing being practiced only by fringe groups that exist within their extended "D/s" culture.
"Give up everything? Career, friends, weekends at the spa, the right to come and go as I please, access to my own computer, my favorite pair of shoes? I mean my season tickets, for G-d’s sake? Who in their right mind would consensually do that?"
I don’t know, Gee... who in their right mind would want to be hog-tied and forced to give oral sex?? It is so infuriating when I run into people who are willing, even proud, to admit their ‘membership’ to the ‘D/s community’ but they are unwilling to accept that a person could both be just as sane and consensual as they are and still want to be a slave.
Yes, gosh darn it, yes. These people DO INDEED WANT to be slaves (hence the word: "Consensual" in the phrase "Consensual Slavery"); they really and truly do want to give up 'everything' - PERMANENTLY - and they are just as intelligent and sane as you are. You, however (and you know who you are) are intolerant, elitist bigots; so self righteous that you assume no one could possibly want a lifestyle, or hold a philosophy, that does not match the one(s) you like.
Alright, enough of my ranting. Now you might better understand why there are so many antagonists when it comes to Consensual Slavery.
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